
Friday, August 7, 2015

Weed Oasis

I've been spending the last several days working on the mini's pasture. At present, they are in the pasture adjacent to the barn and have grazed most of the pasture down to the roots minus the weeds. Our plan is to move them into the neighbouring pasture on the other side of their present pasture. You can see it here in this picture.

That had been our plans from the beginning. But that pasture was far too overgrown for minis who can get very sick off lush pastures so we sent the boarding horses in there first to graze it down to a manageable height. Meanwhile, I surveyed their current pasture as the sheep will be coming out to graze the weeds down, and determined woven wire was needed over the cedar fence as I really, REALLY, don't want any escapees. And with the potential of increasing the flock in the fall/winter, I decided to go ahead and sheep proof it now.

Next to sheep proofing the fence, I confronted the wild oasis of weeds growing between the two pastures. I'm not sure of the proper name for this weed, but I do know they are detrimental to the growth of healthy brush and grass nearby and multiply like mad and nearly impossible to kill. You can see them in the above photo where they have killed the tree they have overtaken.

They are nasty buggers and the only way I'm aware of destroying them is with an ax and match. DO NOT let them flower if you find any on your property as that is how they multiple. I had been consumed with everything else on the property that I neglected this batch. And with it being in an area of not much concern, I failed to watch its rapid growth. But once the horses grazed down the adjoining pasture, I was able to really get a good look at the fence line and subsequent wild forest growing there. So with ax in hand, I began hacking away. I covered my body from head to feet as the weeds are loaded with velcro like burs. And bees. Lots and lots of bees who didn't appreciate me removing their pollinating buffet. But at last the job was done.

This is the area now free of weeds.

A closer look between pasture fences.

Nothing but grass. Which of course the minis helped mow the best they could.

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