
Thursday, February 7, 2013

As Per Usual and Big News

Today was same as usual.  The ice troughs outside were completely frozen.

I spent a great amount of time breaking said frozen water.

Only to realize I had forgotten the water was still running and filling up the mini`s trough and had filled it too high.  I leave just enough water for a day`s worth or else I am left with far too much ice to break the following day.

Speaking of which....I was finally successful in freeing the huge iceburg in the big pasture`s trough.

Chase broke yet another halter.  And this time a record after breaking it the very next day after we bought it.

Farm Girl mucked out the goat and sheep pen which doesn`t get done nearly as often as it should.

Which of course meant the goats and sheep were running about the barn and stalls pestering the horses.

While the ram and billy watched on in envy.

We have concluded that Chloe is a cribber.  Very upsetting.

She's a fantastic horse in every other way so we are going to do what we can to help her.  We're using a crib collar and also trying to find things to keep her occupied and from getting bored.  They say cribbing is often caused by boredom, so we will start there.  We tossed a basket full of hay into the pasture hoping it would challenge her and keep her entertained.  It seemed to work.

We had initially left the door open but found that was far too easy, so locked it up and had her trying to find ways of getting the hay out.

I actually think this is a brilliant idea...until the alpha horse comes along and wants a crack at it.  

Leaving Chloe to wander off to find herself another fence post.

The big news is that Farm Girl has applied and been offered a summer position on a huge ranch in Banff National Park as a horseback riding trail guide.  This is the photo that got her the position (as did her resume and video application :) ). 

I am so excited for her and know this opportunity will be full of adventure and excitement.  Something I would have loved to have done when I was 19.  As she wants to pursue a future in a similar industry, this experience will also be very rewarding and educational for my young rancher.  Haha, maybe I should start calling her Ranch Girl from here on out.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have worked as a trail guide when I was your daughter's age.


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