I got a new dog. Actually she has been in our family for the past year but belonged to Oldest.
Oldest had discovered that Ivy, a border collie, required more attention and stimulation then she was able to provide. Originally, she had not wanted me to work Ivy on my sheep as she feared she'd become to obsessed over them and not be able to switch to agility, the main reason she bought her. However, Oldest had gotten far too busy to put the time into her and Ivy was beginning to show signs of destructive boredom and misbehavior So she permitted me to start her on sheep just to keep her mind active. I've put her out with the goats to help with her commands and to observe her interest and concentration.
At the moment Ivy sees working the goats as play. But she has been stimulated enough that when she comes into the house, she lies down and sleeps rather than pounces about anxious. I thought the situation was going to remain that way, Oldest keeping Ivy for agility while I used her for the sheep once in awhile to keep her active. But then the other day Oldest announced she was selling Ivy.
She had a buyer lined up out in Nova Scotia and we were to say goodbye to Ivy. There are some dogs that I don't like, there are some dogs that I can't help, there are some dogs that I simply don't make a connection with me, but this dog was not any of those. I liked this dog. A lot.
And the feeling was mutual. So I talked with hubby, told him I would eventually some day have to buy a herding dog anyway and since this one was already here, why not just keep her. He thankfully agreed so we bought her from Oldest and now she is officially my dog. Can't wait to get her started on herding. But first, this poor dog is sadly out of shape and needs lots of exercise to build up muscle and stamina.