
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Being Stalked

I woke early today long before the baby chicks waited for breakfast along the greenhouse ledge.

Something had spooked the dogs in the wee hours of the morning and had them barking continually for at least 30 minutes if not more.  After that I was unable to sleep so got up and began my day.  You see I've been uneasy in my little piece of paradise for the past several weeks.  It all began with an insane woman who answered an ad for Farm Girl's young filly, Sierra.  Deciding selling her was the best thing to do since she would not be home to break her, Farm Girl had put her up for sale.  This local woman arrived at the farm in response to the ad.

To begin with, this woman is in her 30's, has had obvious breast implantation, can barely speak because of facial tightening, wears short-shorts and a tank top with her fake breasts hanging out and to top it off, is the girlfriend to a local horse fellow who is in his late 70's.  She had come 3 times to see Sierra and in her first visit she told my daughter that she met him through an ad, moved in with him a few weeks later and that Farm Girl should do the same.  This is just to give you an idea of her character.  Farm Girl was steaming on the woman's second visit when she bluntly didn't like the price she was asking for Sierra.  Farm Girl didn't budge solely on the principle she didn't like this woman.

While in Alberta, the woman makes a third visit and it is me she meets this time.  Once again she is not happy with the price even though I had dropped it $350 down from the original price.  I stand firm and tell her we would not go any lower.  She starts pointing out all the faults in the horse at which I question then why she was so interested.  "Because she is such a sweetheart.  It's not like I can ride her, she's too small, I just want her as a pet."  I repeat the price is firm and that's when the spoiled b*tch starts getting nasty.  However she picked the wrong person to get nasty with.  She was taken back when I got just as nasty and told her to get off my property.  Swear words were exchanged and I told her in no uncertain terms to get the F off my property!

The 70-year old boyfriend realizing things were getting out of control, tried to get the woman in the car but she was taking a tantrum and was screaming that she would get that horse whatever it took.  That's when I became furious and told her if she didn't leave, I would call the police.  She attempted to turn the tables and encouraged me to call them and she would have me arrested for animal cruelty.

I could not believe my ears at the audacity of this woman.  It was a relief when the old man finally got her in the car and drove away.  But the drama was far from over.  Apparently, the crazy lady as we began nicknaming her here did not appreciate me telling her to f-off.  Not ten minutes later two,not one, but two, police cars pulled up our laneway.  I couldn't believe it.  The woman was insane.  And I told the police that in no uncertain terms.  They, of course, had to respond to the call and investigate a animal cruelty complaint.  They asked why she was on my property and I informed them that she was there in response to a Kijiji ad.

Not a couple days before there was a huge murder that was related directly to the sale of an item off Kijiji, so I'm sure the police are extra cautious to crazy people responding to ads posted on Kijiji.  The police looked around and of course did not find any evidence of animal cruelty.  I repeated what she had said about doing whatever it took to get this horse.  The was a case of a woman wanting something she could not have.  They assured me that she was informed she was never to set foot on our property again.  However, there was no law against her stopping on the road in front of our property.

That's a crying shame because the crazy lady has been doing exactly that.  Her and the old man have been stalking my property.  They drive by and slow down sometimes to a complete stop just outside the pasture. For awhile there I was nervous about leaving the farm unattended in fear of returning to find Sierra stolen.  That said, the police would know where to look first.  But the stalking continues.  Just today as I was out back burning brush in the fire pit, they made a stop at the top of the pasture.  Usually if they notice me out back they make a hasty exit.  Today they did not notice me.  I try to have my camera on me at all times so that I can record how many times they stop because I'm pretty certain that is enough to lay stalking charges.

This is them in their burgundy pickup truck.  When I saw them I immediately hid beneath a tree but by doing so was unable to get a clear shot.

This experience has got me very leery of horse people.  They have a reputation of being neurotic and obsessive, but this takes it to a whole new extreme.

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